Fungsi-fungsinya meliputi : Matematika dan komputasi Pengembangan Algoritma Modelling, simulasi, dan pembuatan prototype Analisa data, eksplorasi, dan visualisasi Ilmu pengetahuan dan grafik teknik, Pengembangan aplikasi, termasuk pembuatan antarmuka pengguna secara grafis. Isinya mencakup perhitungan, visualisasi, dan pemrograman dalam lingkungan yang mudah digunakan dimana masalah dan solusinya ditampilkan dalam notasi matematika yang sudah dikenal. MATLAB adalah bahasa pemrograman tingkat tinggi untuk perhitungan teknik. MATLAB yang saat ini digunakan kemampuannya melampaui Matrix Laboratory yang sebenarnya. Sebelumnya telah dikenal program-program LINPACK DAN EISPACK, yang dikemas dalam FORTRAN untuk perhitungan matriks.

Mexico dan Stanford University pada akhir tahun 70-an, dimaksudkan untuk memecahkan permasalahan di teori matriks, aljabar linier, dan analisa numerik. So this approach is not reliable due to some Scilab internal computational error beyond my comprehension. However, I tested it with a stable 5th order transfer function and found that the result came out having higher order and, worse, an unstable continuoustime system. Could not find one other than some suggestion to use horner command in Scilab to convert polynomial of s to z using the Bilinear transform relationship. Before coding anything, I google to find if there exists a solution already. * Actually I prefer a shorter command name like d2c, but well, dls2cls makes it recognized as an exact inverse of cls2dls. But at this time I have to get around this problem by writing my own dls2cls function*. Maybe … I don't know, it might appear in future version. Surprisingly enough, I could not find a Scilab command for such purpose. For example, she obtains a discretetime plant from identification process and wants to convert it to continuoustime domain for analysis and design. From time to time, a control engineer faces a problem in opposite direction. Both commands work with data in statespace form. Scilab has mainly two commands for the task: dscr and cls2dls, which use zeroorder hold and bilinear transformation methods, respectively. So the continuoustime controller needs to be converted to one in the discretetime domain. But when it comes to implementation phase, nobody would want to construct an analog controller nowadays. Due to the solid establishment of theories and methods, control system design is typically performed in continuous time domain.